
  智利當紅小說家伊莎貝拉•阿言德(Isabel Allende)名作「蘇洛」,蒙面俠客身手敏捷、神出鬼沒。每當有不正義之事發生時,他都會身戴著黑色面具,以手中利劍儆惡懲奸。

Zorro | To Kill a Mockingbird | To Kill a Mockingbird | Dance of the Gods | Dance of the Gods | The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time | The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time | The Golden Compass: His Dark Materials Book I | The Golden Compass: His Dark Materials Book I | I Am Legend | I Am Legend | Can You Keep a Secret? | Can You Keep a Secret? | The Door to Time | The Door to Time | American Gods | American Gods | Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives | Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives | The Nanny Diaries | The Nanny Diaries | 