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This Georgia Rising: Education, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Change in Georgia in the 1940s
![This Georgia Rising: Education, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Change in Georgia in the 1940s](
This Georgia Rising: Education, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Change in Georgia in the 1940s |
A Chant to Soothe Wild Elephants: A Memoir |
A Chant to Soothe Wild Elephants: A Memoir |
Women Legislators in Central America: Politics, Democracy, and Policy |
Women Legislators in Central America: Politics, Democracy, and Policy |
The Civil War 100: The Stories Behind the Most Influential Battles, People and Events in the War Between the States |
The Civil War 100: The Stories Behind the Most Influential Battles, People and Events in the War Between the States |
The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East |
The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East |
It Happened in the Florida Keys |
It Happened in the Florida Keys |
If You Lived When Women Won Their Rights |
If You Lived When Women Won Their Rights |
God in the White House: A History: How Faith Shaped the Presidency from John F. Kennedy to George W. Bush |
God in the White House: A History: How Faith Shaped the Presidency from John F. Kennedy to George W. Bush |
Artists in Exile: How Refugees from Twentieth-Century War and Revolution Transformed the American Performing Arts |
Artists in Exile: How Refugees from Twentieth-Century War and Revolution Transformed the American Performing Arts |
Manic |
Manic |
Mr. Lincoln’s T-mails: How Abraham Lincoln Used the Telegraph to Win the Civil War |
Mr. Lincoln’s T-mails: How Abraham Lincoln Used the Telegraph to Win the Civil War |
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The Making of Modern London
![The Making of Modern London](
The Making of Modern London |
This Georgia Rising: Education, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Change in Georgia in the 1940s |
This Georgia Rising: Education, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Change in Georgia in the 1940s |
A Chant to Soothe Wild Elephants: A Memoir |
A Chant to Soothe Wild Elephants: A Memoir |
Women Legislators in Central America: Politics, Democracy, and Policy |
Women Legislators in Central America: Politics, Democracy, and Policy |
The Civil War 100: The Stories Behind the Most Influential Battles, People and Events in the War Between the States |
The Civil War 100: The Stories Behind the Most Influential Battles, People and Events in the War Between the States |
The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East |
The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East |
It Happened in the Florida Keys |
It Happened in the Florida Keys |
If You Lived When Women Won Their Rights |
If You Lived When Women Won Their Rights |
God in the White House: A History: How Faith Shaped the Presidency from John F. Kennedy to George W. Bush |
God in the White House: A History: How Faith Shaped the Presidency from John F. Kennedy to George W. Bush |
Artists in Exile: How Refugees from Twentieth-Century War and Revolution Transformed the American Performing Arts |
Artists in Exile: How Refugees from Twentieth-Century War and Revolution Transformed the American Performing Arts |
Manic |
Manic |
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The Brontes: A Family History
![The Brontes: A Family History](
The Brontes: A Family History | The Making of Modern London | The Making of Modern London | This Georgia Rising: Education, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Change in Georgia in the 1940s | This Georgia Rising: Education, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Change in Georgia in the 1940s | A Chant to Soothe Wild Elephants: A Memoir | A Chant to Soothe Wild Elephants: A Memoir | Women Legislators in Central America: Politics, Democracy, and Policy | Women Legislators in Central America: Politics, Democracy, and Policy | The Civil War 100: The Stories Behind the Most Influential Battles, People and Events in the War Between the States | The Civil War 100: The Stories Behind the Most Influential Battles, People and Events in the War Between the States | The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East | The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East | It Happened in the Florida Keys | It Happened in the Florida Keys | If You Lived When Women Won Their Rights | If You Lived When Women Won Their Rights | God in the White House: A History: How Faith Shaped the Presidency from John F. Kennedy to George W. Bush | God in the White House: A History: How Faith Shaped the Presidency from John F. Kennedy to George W. Bush | Artists in Exile: How Refugees from Twentieth-Century War and Revolution Transformed the American Performing Arts | Artists in Exile: How Refugees from Twentieth-Century War and Revolution Transformed the American Performing Arts |
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卡漫同人俱樂部(2008.01):家庭教師 | The Brontes: A Family History | The Brontes: A Family History | The Making of Modern London | The Making of Modern London | This Georgia Rising: Education, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Change in Georgia in the 1940s | This Georgia Rising: Education, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Change in Georgia in the 1940s | A Chant to Soothe Wild Elephants: A Memoir | A Chant to Soothe Wild Elephants: A Memoir | Women Legislators in Central America: Politics, Democracy, and Policy | Women Legislators in Central America: Politics, Democracy, and Policy | The Civil War 100: The Stories Behind the Most Influential Battles, People and Events in the War Between the States | The Civil War 100: The Stories Behind the Most Influential Battles, People and Events in the War Between the States | The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East | The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East | It Happened in the Florida Keys | It Happened in the Florida Keys | If You Lived When Women Won Their Rights | If You Lived When Women Won Their Rights | God in the White House: A History: How Faith Shaped the Presidency from John F. Kennedy to George W. Bush | God in the White House: A History: How Faith Shaped the Presidency from John F. Kennedy to George W. Bush |
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山根公利,相信喜愛SF動畫的同好朋友們一定都不陌生。1966年出生的他在學生時期就因其對機械造型設計造詣甚深,進而被推薦進入當時有名的動畫製作公司「ARTMIC」擔任機械設計要角一職,進而出道開啟了設計生涯。許多經典的SF動畫機械設定均出自他創意筆下,像是相當知名的「機動戰士鋼彈SEED」、「天空的Escaflowne」、以及「Cowboy Bebop」、「OVERMAN KING GAINER」等作皆有參與,深思熟慮的細微設定讓他的作品獲得了正面評價與肯定,可說是當代日本第一線的SF機械設計師。
雖說SF動畫主役多不偏離機械人,不過最能讓山根公利大展所長的,便是表現厚重份量的艦艇與戰車、交通工具等,最廣為人知的就是「機動戰士鋼彈SEED DESTINY」中的ZAFT軍新型戰艦「密涅瓦」號。在本畫集中,將收錄他出道20餘年來的所有設計作品,完整紀錄山根公利的設計生涯軌跡,動畫作品總數25件以上,山根公利所編織出的壯大SF世界觀,將巨細靡遺的呈現在讀者眼前。
山根公利機器人構圖資料畫集 | 卡漫同人俱樂部(2008.01):家庭教師 | 卡漫同人俱樂部(2008.01):家庭教師 | The Brontes: A Family History | The Brontes: A Family History | The Making of Modern London | The Making of Modern London | This Georgia Rising: Education, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Change in Georgia in the 1940s | This Georgia Rising: Education, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Change in Georgia in the 1940s | A Chant to Soothe Wild Elephants: A Memoir | A Chant to Soothe Wild Elephants: A Memoir | Women Legislators in Central America: Politics, Democracy, and Policy | Women Legislators in Central America: Politics, Democracy, and Policy | The Civil War 100: The Stories Behind the Most Influential Battles, People and Events in the War Between the States | The Civil War 100: The Stories Behind the Most Influential Battles, People and Events in the War Between the States | The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East | The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East | It Happened in the Florida Keys | It Happened in the Florida Keys | If You Lived When Women Won Their Rights | If You Lived When Women Won Their Rights |
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死神熱烈的凝視 限量7本
南田CHUN同人作家傑作集 | 山根公利機器人構圖資料畫集 | 山根公利機器人構圖資料畫集 | 卡漫同人俱樂部(2008.01):家庭教師 | 卡漫同人俱樂部(2008.01):家庭教師 | The Brontes: A Family History | The Brontes: A Family History | The Making of Modern London | The Making of Modern London | This Georgia Rising: Education, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Change in Georgia in the 1940s | This Georgia Rising: Education, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Change in Georgia in the 1940s | A Chant to Soothe Wild Elephants: A Memoir | A Chant to Soothe Wild Elephants: A Memoir | Women Legislators in Central America: Politics, Democracy, and Policy | Women Legislators in Central America: Politics, Democracy, and Policy | The Civil War 100: The Stories Behind the Most Influential Battles, People and Events in the War Between the States | The Civil War 100: The Stories Behind the Most Influential Battles, People and Events in the War Between the States | The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East | The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East | It Happened in the Florida Keys | It Happened in the Florida Keys |
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銀魂同人作品集:土銀 NO.2
各種不同面貌的土方十四郎 限量10本
本作品集特別收錄了「Traces」、「體育祭」、「Re;birth」、「CALL ME」、「體溫」、「因為是思春期…」、「曖昧模樣…」和「detox」等10篇由銀魂迷以土方十四郎為主題所創作的精采短篇漫畫,從這些作品當中你可以發現其他同好們心目中的土方十四郎真正模樣喔!
銀魂同人作品集:土銀 NO.2 | 南田CHUN同人作家傑作集 | 南田CHUN同人作家傑作集 | 山根公利機器人構圖資料畫集 | 山根公利機器人構圖資料畫集 | 卡漫同人俱樂部(2008.01):家庭教師 | 卡漫同人俱樂部(2008.01):家庭教師 | The Brontes: A Family History | The Brontes: A Family History | The Making of Modern London | The Making of Modern London | This Georgia Rising: Education, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Change in Georgia in the 1940s | This Georgia Rising: Education, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Change in Georgia in the 1940s | A Chant to Soothe Wild Elephants: A Memoir | A Chant to Soothe Wild Elephants: A Memoir | Women Legislators in Central America: Politics, Democracy, and Policy | Women Legislators in Central America: Politics, Democracy, and Policy | The Civil War 100: The Stories Behind the Most Influential Battles, People and Events in the War Between the States | The Civil War 100: The Stories Behind the Most Influential Battles, People and Events in the War Between the States | The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East | The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East |
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七唄AMU同人作家傑作集 NO.3
美男胴體的肉慾之戀 限量7本
七唄AMU同人作家傑作集 NO.3 | 銀魂同人作品集:土銀 NO.2 | 銀魂同人作品集:土銀 NO.2 | 南田CHUN同人作家傑作集 | 南田CHUN同人作家傑作集 | 山根公利機器人構圖資料畫集 | 山根公利機器人構圖資料畫集 | 卡漫同人俱樂部(2008.01):家庭教師 | 卡漫同人俱樂部(2008.01):家庭教師 | The Brontes: A Family History | The Brontes: A Family History | The Making of Modern London | The Making of Modern London | This Georgia Rising: Education, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Change in Georgia in the 1940s | This Georgia Rising: Education, Civil Rights, and the Politics of Change in Georgia in the 1940s | A Chant to Soothe Wild Elephants: A Memoir | A Chant to Soothe Wild Elephants: A Memoir | Women Legislators in Central America: Politics, Democracy, and Policy | Women Legislators in Central America: Politics, Democracy, and Policy | The Civil War 100: The Stories Behind the Most Influential Battles, People and Events in the War Between the States | The Civil War 100: The Stories Behind the Most Influential Battles, People and Events in the War Between the States |
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日本卡通人氣配音員大集合 NO.24:附CD
日本卡通人氣配音員大集合 NO.24:附CD | Cheese戀愛少女卡漫大集合(2008.02) | Cheese戀愛少女卡漫大集合(2008.02) | BL卡漫愛好者完全專刊 VOL.5 | BL卡漫愛好者完全專刊 VOL.5 | (新版)秋乃茉莉畫集:幻華宵月 | (新版)秋乃茉莉畫集:幻華宵月 | 河奈MARIO同人作家傑作集 NO.3 | 河奈MARIO同人作家傑作集 NO.3 | 七唄AMU同人作家傑作集 NO.3 | 七唄AMU同人作家傑作集 NO.3 | 銀魂同人作品集:土銀 NO.2 | 銀魂同人作品集:土銀 NO.2 | 南田CHUN同人作家傑作集 | 南田CHUN同人作家傑作集 | 山根公利機器人構圖資料畫集 | 山根公利機器人構圖資料畫集 | 卡漫同人俱樂部(2008.01):家庭教師 | 卡漫同人俱樂部(2008.01):家庭教師 | The Brontes: A Family History | The Brontes: A Family History |
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Gold Seeking: Victoria and California in the 1850s
![Gold Seeking: Victoria and California in the 1850s](
Gold Seeking: Victoria and California in the 1850s |
The Fatal Shore: The Epic of Australia’s Founding |
The Fatal Shore: The Epic of Australia’s Founding |
日本卡通人氣配音員大集合 NO.24:附CD |
日本卡通人氣配音員大集合 NO.24:附CD |
Cheese戀愛少女卡漫大集合(2008.02) |
Cheese戀愛少女卡漫大集合(2008.02) |
BL卡漫愛好者完全專刊 VOL.5 |
BL卡漫愛好者完全專刊 VOL.5 |
(新版)秋乃茉莉畫集:幻華宵月 |
(新版)秋乃茉莉畫集:幻華宵月 |
河奈MARIO同人作家傑作集 NO.3 |
河奈MARIO同人作家傑作集 NO.3 |
七唄AMU同人作家傑作集 NO.3 |
七唄AMU同人作家傑作集 NO.3 |
銀魂同人作品集:土銀 NO.2 |
銀魂同人作品集:土銀 NO.2 |
南田CHUN同人作家傑作集 |
南田CHUN同人作家傑作集 |
山根公利機器人構圖資料畫集 |
山根公利機器人構圖資料畫集 |
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